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Individuals and organizations engage in advocacy to ensure the recognition of the needs and rights of their constituents. Advocacy is critical to address the systemic processes and structural issues that impact the well-being of our communities. It involves a commitment to influence others, to transform hearts and minds on critical public issues and/or to amplify the voices the marginalized or forgotten so that they are effectively heard.  


Several of AdvocatesROC's programs provide infrastructural support to individuals and organizations to empower them to develop advocacy strategies that advance their missions and deepen their service commitments to the communities they serve.  We achieve this in several ways:


  • Personalized consultation to develop advocacy strategies that embolden boards, volunteers and staff to tell your story with confidence and depth and engage the public and policymakers on issues that have strategic impact.  

  • Infrastructural support through webinars, educational trainings on advocacy. These support programs highlight the differences between advocacy, lobbying and electioneering to help design strategies that are fully compliant with federal and state regulations.

  • Democracy's Ethical Imperatives: Public Activities and Working Groups that seek to close the gap between democracy's ideals and practice.

"Interesting philosophy is rarely the examination of the pros and cons of a thesis. Usually it is...a contest between an entrenched vocabulary which has become a nuisance and a half-formed new vocabulary which promises great things."                                                        -Richard Rorty

Awakening to love can happen only as we let go of our obsession with power and domination...The underlying values of a culture and its ethics shape and inform the way we speak and act...Commitment to a love ethic transforms our lives by offering us a different set of values to live by."                 - bell hooks  

Advocacy Training and Support


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